My personal projects are a way for me to chronicle my growth as a developer.
Mygram is a social media app that allows users to create posts, like and comment on it. It is more of a social wall where content is posted.
A web app which lets user find properties listed, and also allows users to list thier own properties. Admin Panel is also built for managing the website.
A web app which helps users write short notes for daily tasks. Dark mode enabled.
A responsive modern portfolio website built on nextjs and tailwind.
A simple react app which is used at cash counters for returning the extra money after billing.
A simple javascript app which tells whether your birthdate is a pallindrome or not ?
A simple quiz about triangles, area calculator and hypotenuse calculator.
A simple javascript app which tells whether your birthdate is lucky or not ?
A simple react app which recommends my current favorite songs according to genre..
A simple react app which tells the name of emoji searched if found in the database..
A simple javascript app which translates sentences/words into swedish chef accent.
A simple javascript app which translates sentences/words into funny banana language.
Whether you have an idea for a project or just want to say hi,
feel free to send me an email!